SF-50 Vision Jet Type Rating and What To Expect?

SF50 Type Rating and What to Expect...

To receive a SF50 training slot, at the Cirrus Vision Center in Knoxville, you must be associated with a specific Vision Jet tail number as an owner, pro-pilot or leasee.  The type rating currently costs around $31,000 unless it is an entitlement training slot from a new jet purchase.  It takes nearly two consecutive weeks to complete.

Once you have your SF50 Vision Jet training slot scheduled, we recommend you try to devote the preceding 60-90 days to dedicated preparation for your type rating.  Of course, each pilot is different, so your level of commitment should be consistent with your current competency and knowledge.  The main idea is to give the type rating due respect, especially if it is your first.  It will be quite a climb to digest and memorize everything you will need to know if you do not properly prepare.  

You will also have to complete Supervised Operating Experience (SOE) (click here for more info) after the type rating.  We can help you complete SOE and a great time in the process.

Pilots that have used us for SOE will tell you it was fun, rewarding and challenging.  Contact us at (615) 843-8553 or through our contact us form to schedule jet readiness training or your SOE with one of our Vision Jet mentor pilots. 

Why so challenging?

The Vision Jet training program is offered in accordance with a FARS 142 certificate.  The completion standard is to Air Transport Pilot (ATP) specifications.  While the program strives to get pilots type rated, performance is critical. 

Operating an aircraft at high altitudes, and faster speeds require pilot performance.  The ATC system expects more of jet pilots and so preparedness is essential.

The demand on the system does not permit unprepared or complacent pilots to do well due to the amount of volume of information and the pace of the training.  Show up prepared...

The type rating involves large amounts of memorization of emergency procedures, memory items and pilot techniques.  Cirrus Aircraft will send you books and materials weeks before your training begins.  You will also be provided access to video training materials as well.  You will find that the video material is very good, but the details learned during the ground training phase will be more substantial and at a speedy pace.  Showing up well prepared will make week two much more enjoyable.  

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