I am delighted to share with you the significance of a comprehensive flight planning system and the process of creating a “Go/No-Go Decision” for every flight. According to AIM 5-1-1, pilots must gather all information vital to the nature of the flight before every flight. This ensures that the flight is safe and the pilot has completed a comprehensive preflight assessment.
This article highlights performance limitations of the SF50 and emphasis on planning for takeoff and landing distances. Personal minimums for runway lengths may not always be the only consideration, so we must be careful with landing configurations even with long runways at times.
Check out the performance capabilities and situational awareness provided by this Generation 2+ SF50 Vision Jet as an instrument approach is known in Nashville.
Come along in this video where we show and demonstrate all phases of flight in a new G2+ Vision Jet on an 840 mile cross country flight.
Every flight should include the W.A.N.T.S. checklist before engine start. Make sure you are really ready to fly.
Research, plan, document and execute with SF50 Flight Support Flight Data Sheets. Free to download and use for every flight.