Check out the performance capabilities and situational awareness provided by this Generation 2+ SF50 Vision Jet as an instrument approach is known in Nashville.
Pilots obtaining a Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet type rating usually have a PIC restriction. We can complete your twenty-five hour Supervised Operating Experience (SOE) and remove your PIC limitation. SOE consisting of in-aircraft exposure to real-world situations you will likely encounter. SF50 Flight Support Services offers a respected program.
DonAv8s created over 100 videos related to general aviation, professional aviation, pilot gear, pilot tips and Cirrus Aircraft SF50 Vision Jet Flying
Come along as we fly into KAXV-Auglaize County Neil Armstrong Airport in Wapakoneta, Ohio, USA in a G2 SF50 Vision Jet. We also discuss pilot tips and tricks along the way. We started the day in Nashville, flew to KAXV in Wapakoneta Ohio, then KGMU Greenville South Carolina, and then back to Nashville.
J.A.G. Solutions has created some of the best accessories for SF50 Vision Jets. In this video I will demonstrate and review their latest additions… Pitot Tube Covers and Static Port Covers! J.A.G. is an A&P AI for SF50 Vision Jets in the state of PA and is very familiar with the fleet.
Pilots should avoid allowing these five hazardous attitudes to enter the cockpit. Also, having a comprehensive preflight planning process and weather assessment tools defeats complacency.
In this video, I saw goodbye to N379JM and also discuss a wind shear event that presented itself one cold, dark night in Asheville, NC and what happened.
The NART arrival preparation checklist is simple, but insures you are ready for the arrival, approach, landing and taxi phases at the destination.
Come along as we talk about Pre-Arrival procedures and the NART checklist.
Flying Technically Advanced Airplanes (TAA’s) is safe, fun and challenging, but having so many capabilities can make pilots complacent. Here is how to avoid this with the 3-P Process.