SF50 Vision Jet Cost of Operations and Ownership? We answer your questions…

Vision Jet Cost of Operations... Questions Answered...

In this video, A SF50 Vision Jet is being flow from Nashville to Laconia, New Hampshire.  The discussion involved the pilot's experience as an owner, and cost of operations.

Please note we are not CPA's, accountants, lawyers or financial planners. The information provided is our opinion and based upon a specific ownership situation.

There are two ways to think about an hourly operating cost:  

One method is purely the fuel burn plus JetStream prepaid maintenance consumption.  This would be roughly $985.00 per hours ($650 for JetStream and $385 for fuel hourly on average).  

The second concept takes into account all anticipated aircraft operating expenses for the year and divide the total expenses by the number of hours to be flown.  An example of this concept is shown below.  The drawback with this method is it assumes the number of hours to be flown per year for its basis.

How it works...

The hourly cost of operation can be determined various ways, depending upon the scenario, but easily determined for the Vision Jet due to the prepaid JetStream maintenance program, estimated fuel consumption and calculation of fixed costs.  This is a 150 hour per year flying budget eample.

The following is an example of one ownership scenario.  The intent is to show and estimated hourly operating cost based upon an average flying year of 150 hours.  It includes fuel, JetStream and percentages fixed costs.  This is merely an example and your situation might vary.  We arrive at $1,639.22 per hour including fuel.

We provide aircraft consulting and would enjoy discussing any questions you might have concerning SF50 ownership, your intended flying mission requirements and how we can make the process easier for you.

SF50 Flight Support, LLC.

(615) 543-8553


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