Vision Jet HYPER EIGHT Arrival Procedure – Manassas, VA
In the below video, a Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet is being flown at 28,000 feet and joins the HYPER EIGHT Arrival Procedure in the Washington, DC Special Flight Restricted Area (SFRA). We also brief and discussed the arrival procedure as we advanced towards Manassas, Virginia.
The HYPER EIGHT arrival procedure took us to the east of KIAD, Washington Dulles International Airport and dumped us off on the east side of Manassas Regional Airport in Virginia.
From there, the Vision Jet was hand-flown into a left downwind leg of the traffic pattern and landed on runway 16L. This was a unique scenario due to the transition from the arrival procedure into a visual approach. In most cases, ATC will provide vectors or headings to fly and then clear you onto the visual approach.
In this case, the HYPER EIGHT arrival plate specifically states to expect radar vectors after the TICON fix, due east of the center of the Manassas Regional Airport. Hand-flying and working on stick-and-rudder skills is fun, so hand-flying the jet into the traffic pattern and landing was a great way to end the flight!
Thanks for coming along with me on this video. I hope you enjoy it!
Hyper Eight Arrival